• Textiles, fabrics, and related goods, not including hardware or food.
  • Workman who dubs, or smoothes, the framing of a vessel before planking, and the planking itself after being attached to the frames.
  • A boiled or steamed pudding, usually containing dried fruit.
  • Governor Dummer's War
    1722-1725. One of a series of colonial wars in which English colonists fought with French and Native Americans. This one was in Northern New England, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine and was mostly a series of skirmishes. It was the peak of Indian warfare in Maine, with colonists taking the major Abenaki settlement at Norridgewock, burning Old Town, and fighting at Fryeburg.
  • Founded in 1602, granted a monopoly by the Dutch government for trading and colonization in the East Indies, the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie or VOC, as it was known in Dutch, was the world's first multinational stock company. Before bankruptcy and dissolution in 1798, it had established outposts and colonies in Indonesia, enforcing often brutally a monopoly on the spice trade. They established the European colony at Cape Town, South Africa and were the first, and for years the only, Europeans allowed to trade with Japan. The VOC reached the height of its economic power in 1669, then declined as a result of British-Dutch warfare and competition from other countries and regions.
  • A tax on imported goods.
  • flux
    A term given to a number of disorders marked by inflammation of the intestines (especially of the colon) and also by pain in the abdomen, problems defecating, and frequent stools containing blood and mucus. May be caused by chemical irritants, bacteria, protozoa, or parasitic worms. Dysentery was one of the most severe problems of armies in the nineteenth century. Also called: flux, bloody flux, contagious pyrexia (fever), frequent griping stools.
