
Ship Henrietta

The largest sailing vessel built at Bucksville, South Carolina, was the ship Henrietta, launched in May 1875. She was named for the wife of Captain Jonathan C. Nichols of Searsport, who commanded the vessel. Henrietta was 210 feet long, and 1203 tons. The builder in charge was Elisha Dunbar of Searsport. Henrietta sailed for two decades under the command of five Searsport captains. She was lost off Kobe, Japan, in an 1894 typhoon. Henrietta was built and commanded by Searsport men, but never came to Searsport. See also Bucksville, South Carolina. There was also a bark Henrietta, built in 1847. This vessel was commanded by Captain William McGilvery, and he sailed her to Ireland during the potato famine, bringing a cargo of food.